Maple Leafs Style Kabsa

  • Small chopped onion
  • Crushed tomatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Chicken or meat, washed and cut.
  • Maple Leafs Sweet Pepper Paste
  • Minced garlic and ginger
  • 1 tablespoon original Maple Leaf Daqus,
  • A teaspoon of each (salt, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika powder, mixed spices, black pepper, turmeric)
  • Washed rice and soaked in boiling water for half an hour.
  • Whole black lemon
  • Whole green and red peppers.

We heat the oil and brown the onion until they turn brown, then add the Sweet Pepper Paste and stir, then add the garlic and ginger paste, then the tomatoes and Daqus and leave until they thicken. Add the spices, chicken or meat, and black lemon and stir until they turn brown, then add hot water and leave until it boils, then leave it on a low heat until it is cooked. The chicken is taken out. Or meat for browning, put the rice with whole peppers and leave until cooked.